The traditions and culture of Martinique
The tradition is like its population, very mixed and influenced by the different populations coming from the different waves of immigration.
One can distinguish different contributions of the European culture that arrived in the island in the 16th century, of the African culture brought by the former slaves who came to work on the island, but also of the Indian culture, which came at the end of slavery to do paid work, and finally of the traces of the Caribbean culture, the first population of the island.

Martinique shares with metropolitan France the use of the French language, European dress codes and its cuisine, combined with spices (Indian colombo, banded wood, etc.) and local flavors, is one of its main riches.
Ritualistically, during funeral ceremonies, the family and friends of the deceased are dressed in white (white is worn during mourning in Africa and signifies the resurrection of the bodies) and black coming from Europe.
Martinique’s culture is very colorful, whether it is in the clothing with the Madras from India, where the colors are prized or the markets very colorful by the different fresh fruits and vegetables sold on the stalls.
The Martinique woman is very distinguished. She loves jewelry and being elegant is for her an evidence.
Very appreciated in Martinique by the elders, cockfights are the object of passionate bets.
Tour of the Yoles
The Tour des Yoles, a popular leisure activity and by far the event of the year. Its races, which are held by fishermen, are spectacular.
Organized at the end of July-beginning of August, prepare yourself early if you want to go there, the beaches of the stages are taken by storm from dawn to have the best places.
The Caribbean Carnival earlier in the year. Behind a float carrying a giant mannequin nicknamed “Vaval” you will see up close the frenzied atmosphere where colors and rhythmic music.
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